Thursday, February 14, 2008

happy valentine

i think i had drawn the wrong decision. when u did something rash n stupid at the blur moment, u'd deeply regret when u looked back.

did i look stupid that time?

well, forget bout it.

felt so happy to see hong er's cute look when he got the surprise gift from us. although he din really show much how surprise it was, i knew he was very happy with the big-hug-gable bear, doesn't it look just alike with him? ngek ngek..

i'm thinking back the moment i spent the valentine with mok.. frankly speaking, i think we never have a proper V day b4. last year i was in still in kl n he was in kk, this year i'm in india he's in sg.

am i trying to live against my destiny? don ever oh.

mom said, "focus on study".
aunty told me, "if u don take the decision now, u'll hurt him in the future."
min ren asked me, "y u still don wanna let go?"
jack said, "那就给它继续烂下去吧."
hong er said, "ng de ng diu."

don wanna think so much now, just wanna live my life to the fullest. therefore, let's put away this issue. or u can say i'm escaping the problem, whatever.

found another band to be included into my favourite artists list, it's Incubus. i used to listen to some songs from it last time but dunno who sang it until i opened my music files this morning n the song just pop up from the player n caught my ears. their 'love hurts' quite nice. i love guitar so much! arghh...where's my michelle branch?? where's my keane??

okay, go back to my DM.. uhu~

Happy Valentine to Everyone

Sunday, February 10, 2008


考完 theory final 已经有两三天了。 说一说考试前后的我。。

roommate 说她重来没有看见我烦恼的样子,除了刚睡完午觉的时候。老实说,其实我是有紧张和压力的哦,最好的证明就是我的肩膀上会贴上 salonpas,要不然就会看到我整天在 library,我是有读书的。

这次的考试,放最多努力的科目是在 anatomy。没有想到选到的 topic 不小心就这样在考卷纸 doink 出来了!上天慈悲,要不是我在 library 遇到 kebo男我可能写不出 air sinus 那篇 essay。缘分和机缘是非常难得的东西,一切都是那么地擦身而过。我相信 "when u want something, the world will conspire to help u achieve it".

去考试前,我真的真的很怕。。。。很怕会半途便便。这是我从小到大最敏感的事。每次一要考很重要的考试,或坐长途 bas 的时候,都会想来想去,就是那种越想越会发生的,比如 mm mmm 的事。三年级时候有一次考试前,我很怕突然肚子痛,然后不久果然肚子痛起来了。那时没有厕纸,考卷又快派下来了,结果就撕了几张练习簿的纸冲去课室后面的 longkang mm mmm.... 我就是这样活到现在。来了 india 也是这样,有一次坐长途 bas 从 bangalore 回 salem 的时候,在车里就一直想着,等下千万不要乱来哦。。。。。 后来,就。。。竟然在路边 mm mmm! 我唯一自豪的一次,就是坐 lcct bas 送 alex 去机场的时候,没有想到 mm mmm 的事,因为太伤心了!

从 UPSR 开始,我就会想考试期间我会不会出水痘。到了 PMR, SPM, UEC,A level(忘了有没有,因为那年伤心过渡),甚至是现在的 uni exam 我还是会这样想。现在回想起来,原来 law of attraction 是这么一回事 。。。"wat u think will attract wat u want".


dm 和 physio 是我 crap 到最多的两份。希望是可以 pass 的 ;) 我们 3rd batch 全部一定要一起给它 pass 掉。。 如果有一个人离开了,唉。。。想都不敢想。

这几天没有考试的日子真是放纵到极点,不是 online 就是看戏看到早上5点。颓废的人生呀。。讲真,有哪一次是没有放纵自己的时候?太不在乎的人,还是懒散的人?


到什么时候,才能改变自己的坏习惯。很不喜欢什么都埋藏在心里的。。可是我做不到 bilibala..还是学习中庸之道吧。
